Is this you?

You aspire to have a sense of mastery in relationships. You want to trust that you can meet others with compassion, communicate clearly, set life-serving boundaries, and repair ruptures in connection.

You value integrity and want your deepest spiritual values to be expressed in your relationships. You have the intention to be kind, loving, and thoughtful and you need the skills to do so in challenging moments in your relationships.

You want to relate to yourself and others from a place of compassion, mindfulness, wisdom, and agency and also be a contribution to equity and inclusion in the broader community.

You are ready to invest in the process of transformation and learning.

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For Couples:

You love your partner and…

You are both committed to honest and respectful communication. You may be just beginning a relationship (dating, pre-marital, or newly married) and getting along pretty well. You want to build a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

While you are getting along well now, you know that intimate relationships will eventually bring up every unresolved issue you have and life's stresses will challenge you.

You want to be able to meet reactivity and hardship with the compassion and skills that allow you to stay true to yourself and connected in your relationship. You know that the depth of trust and safety in your relationship increases each time you bring mindfulness and skills to difficult interactions.

OR, you may be in a well established relationship and experiencing stress and conflict.

Your relationship too often seems like a courtroom in which you are each trying to prove your case. You stalemate and nothing moves. You dig in. You tighten. You want to be right. You either get angry and say hurtful things or you disappear and shut down.

You need new tools to express honestly while staying in a heart connection.

For Individuals:

You want to learn to communicate effectively and relate compassionately to yourself and others.

You already have supportive relationships and engage in pretty good communication. But you want more. You want to be masterful in your understanding of how relationships work and masterful in communication. You want to be a contribution and inspiration to others.

OR, you access compassion for others, but you are hard on yourself. You speak to yourself in harsh ways. . . . “What’s wrong with me?” “I’m such an idiot.” “I should have known better.” “I’m a failure." "I’m too reactive.” You’re exhausted from self-criticism and ready to transform your internal dialogue.

OR, reactivity takes over more often than you would like. You see the impact you have on others. You know there is a way to find compassion for yourself, hear others, and express yourself clearly. You are ready for tools to manage reactivity and find an honest and compassionate way through challenging interactions.

…If any of this has you nodding your head, then you may be wondering: